Bright and dramatical, shows all the moods.Shows light,drama, sadness, laughing…Bright and dramatical, shows all the moods.Shows light,drama, sadness, laughing, just everything that music can offer in terms of showing people moods.
Album: L.van Beethoven Album number: SCL028 Track number: 1 Release year: 1963
Label: AllMusicGallery Composers:
Ludwig van Beethoven
Bright and dramatical, shows all the moods.Shows light,drama, sadness, laughing…Bright and dramatical, shows all the moods.Shows light,drama, sadness, laughing, just everything that music can offer in terms of showing people moods.
Album: L.van Beethoven Album number: SCL028 Track number: 2 Release year: 1963
Label: AllMusicGallery Composers:
Ludwig van Beethoven